Jim Rogers Net Worth in 2023, All Sources Of Income

“Many Indian Banks have a problem, and people are not paying much attention to it.” This is the statement made by legendary investor Jim Rogers. Though his name is not on the billionaire list of Forbes, just like his partner George Soros, he does own a net worth of more than $100 million.
The 80-years-old investor is a known name in the financial industry because of his good financial investment. In 2019, his wealth soared along with the agricultural commodities, which is his significant investment. Are you curious to know more about his investment and his rise to becoming a top-class investor? Read along as we explore more about it.
Jim Rogers’s Net Worth Details
As per Forbes.com, Rogers owns a staggering net worth of $300 million as of 2023. Besides that, his company is worth more than billion-dollar. He is currently living in Singapore since 2007 because of the potential in the Asian market. Talking about the next boom in the world economy, he said,
“If you were smart in 1807 you moved to London, if you were smart in 1907 you moved to New York City, and if you are smart in 2007 you move to Asia”.

With a wealth of $300 million, Rogers is investing it very wisely it seems as if he is already prepared for the next economic crisis. He worked as a banker before turning into becoming an investor. Rogers has 63 books listed on Goodreads, and those works have received 16231 ratings combined. The book “Investment Biker: Around the World with Jim Rogers” is the one that has brought Jim Rogers the most success.
Jim Rogers’s Income & Career Details
Rogers’s investment in agriculture commodities, Russian government bonds in roubles, and Chinese and Japanese shares help him to earn a good chunk of income. Before becoming a prolific investor like Warren E. Buffett, Howard Schultz, and George Soros, he worked at an investment bank.
Furthermore, he learned his trade about stocks and bonds when he served at Dominick & Dominick LLC in 1964. Rogers and Soros worked at the same investment bank and they left the bank in 1973 after working for three years. Soros co-founded Quantum Fund together with Rogers.

The company became a true international fund management company raking a return of 4,200% from 1970 to 1980. Rogers retired quickly and started traveling the world maybe because of that, he did not hit the billion-dollar mark anytime soon.
As of now, he is living in Singapore and investing in markets like Russia, China, and Japan. Rogers also invested in India from 2008 to 2015 but after he exited the market he has not returned to it. In an interview with Maria Bartiromo, he talked about his choice to live in Singapore rather than Hong Kong, saying it’s more of a healthy choice.

His View on Trade War and Stock Market…
Probably next year, or the year after, Donald Trump is going to lash out and that can start a trade war. After that, the real economic problem rises and will get even worse, as reported by Rogers. He said,
“Something is going to happen to make it sound better. Mr. Trump or somebody will put together something that will sound good. But next year, or the year after, when economies around the world have a problem, that is when he is going to lash out and have a real trade war, and that will make the next economic problem even worse”.
Taking with Forbes.com in the “The Investor’s Podcast,” he shares his concern about Gold and the current stock market bubble.
Jim Rogers’s Singapore Residence
In 2007, he moved to Singapore with his family from New York. In Singapore, Rogers is living like a wealthy expatriate family. When he was in New York, his house was worth millions.
Before moving to Singapore, he listed his property in New York for $16 million in 2007. He probably has a million-dollar mansion in Singapore but the exact price of his residence is not disclosed. In the coming years, because of his smart investment, his net worth might increase more to reach new heights.
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