What is really moving on within Lauren London and Nipsey Hussle?

Lauren London and Nipsey Hussle dramas are growing day by day. They both declared their separation in November.
The whole world believed it was all finished for the duo for the four-year-long connection. But nothing is over between the lovers. At least that is what their Instagram supporters understand.
Break-up news
There have been numerous stories about this duo’s break-up quickly after the birth of the duo’s child after four years. They greeted a son named Kross Asghedom back in 2016 at the end of August.
The noises were determined to be only rumors when both the stars shut people with their posts about still being in a strong relationship as always which seems to be removed for now.
Possibly the two actually had a fight going on between them which ended in their break-up after a year of the rumor when Nipsey posted in her twitter account.
Nipsey was estimated to be cheating on his longtime sweetheart and it shifted quite complex once Tanisha replied to one of their fans questioning about their patch-up news by saying that they never broke up.

Nevertheless genuine friendship
Lauren yet has an immeasurable contact with her ex-boyfriend, Nispey. Nipsey and Lauren, unlike other split couples, don’t seem to have the problem in encouraging each other after their break-up. As they have determined to take care of their child together, they still want to support their friendship.
Christmas date even after separation
Nispey was with Lauren on Christmas at the Lakers game against the Minnesota Timberwolves. Lauren also uploaded a photo with a caption:
This dm went far asf huh? ? @nipseyhussle
She presumably indicated that their involvement that began with dm went this far or maybe she was just speaking about the date, right? What do you people recall about this? Together or no more?